We got up after 4am and set of walking in the dark, it was 30 mins along the road then 1km up the montain on a very steep trail to the entrance of MP. By time we reached the start of the trail, it was light enough to see. took over an hour to climb the path through the cloud forest into scruby forest, while listening to the dawn chorus.
Got our tickets and passport stamped, then headed into MP. The clouds were cloaking the mountains above MP, making it quite atmospheric. But there would be no dramatic sunrise. Its a fantastic place, photo points around every corner.
We then met our guide back at the entrance and had a tour for 2 hrs. I was listening half the time or was taking photos of MP, flowers, birds and other wildlife. We decided to walk back down the trail rather than catch the bus, to see what we could see. saw a few birds, but no rare things. Some nice humming birds, as well as some other birds i cannot ID.
Both John and i had thought it was a day later than it was, so we had no hotel booked in cusco, but by the time we got on the train we had phoned and booked one. Got the train back halfway to Cusco, then a mini bus rammed with tourists back to Cusco.
Arrived at the hotel at gone 11pm, iut was not expecting us, but still had a room free, we waited a short while, while they made up the room, which was an ampartmnt.