We got the transfer bus to the port and Puno, and met our guide on the boat for 7am. First we went to the Islands of Uros, which are grass islands, well made from rushes. base is blocks of rush roots, then layers of rush straw. so islands are about 3m thick. most things are made from the rush - canoes, boats, houses. They wear colourful bright clothing and speak there own language.
Lake titicaca is at just under 4000m above sea level, and quite cold its the same size as puerto rico and can get 3 m waves
the tour boat then took us 2 hrs to tacqile island, another seperate race of people decendent from the spanish, live on this island. we climbed the hill to 4200m to the main plaza. was hard work in the thin air. They have there own traditiona costume. We went for lunch to a hours 10 min walk from the plaza. Had some coca tea with another herb from the island.
Got the tour boat back to Puno in the evining and waited for the over night bus back to Cusco. It was a posh bus with club class reclining seats.