Monday, 6 September 2010

monday 30th August, back to rio Heath

AT dawn I lighted the camp fire to boil the water for the day. The lads would need it when they got back form setting the rest if the traps, a couple of hrs later i started to feel a little dizzy/cold sweats. Rob suggested we both set off back to the boat before it got too hot, the rest would follow when they got back to camp. Rob did a few shuttle runs with his stuff accross the Pampas, while i waited in the shade at edge of the jungle. It was very hot and humid in the jungle. I set off pn path through jungle once Rob got to the edge of jungle. He said to stop if i didnt not think i was going the right way! Which i did 1k in. You dont want to get lost in the jungle on yr own! Thankfully i was on the right path and Antony and Julio caught me up after half and hour. We go to the boat and Rio. I had did what i had been dreaming of for 2 days! a swim and wash in the Rio!! back on Rio Heath We made good time down Rio heath. I discovered you could pass time on board the boat by doing chores to take yr mind of the fact i had been sat on a wooden plank for 3 days on way to pampas. my arse still was not ready for another 2 days. It has never been so sore. I wish i had a big flabby bum! my boney bum felt like to bones were poking out, No matter what postion i sat in i´d end up numb and sore. AT that point in the time the thing i really wanted was a cushion! Back to those chores washing up the dishes from the boat with instant access to a huge washing up bowl -el Rio. Scouring pads - sand from river. Washing machine for clothes, you guessed it el rio! At dusk we go stuck on a tree for 10 mins, but managed to get free and to a beach just before dark to make camp. It was cloudy and there were claps of thunder, looked like rain was on the way. I pitch tent quick but it was trying to blow away in the wind, so used exra long tent pegs - 6 ft long palm stems. I had by first proper wash since leaving P.Maldonado in the river in my bakini next to the boat, it had never felt so good to be clean!!