Friday 27 August, Rio Heath
I didn’t have a good nights sleep which the heat, first night camping in the wilds and being paranoid about things like jaguars roaming camp at night, especially if I want to go to the loo at night! I woke up with mild tummy bug and had to rush out of tent wild animals or not!, but there was nothing there on the beach only my imagination! We set off at first light and made the national park guard post for 8ish and swapped engines, off loaded the scaffold tower and bigger engine.
After the guard post the river got very hard going, lots of shallow bits and also what can only be described as tree grave yards. Lots or small or huge trees and logs strewn about the river like a tangled maze. We had to navigate round through and over them. Sometimes taking a run onto a log or tunk Theo was driving and Antony guiding the front of the boat. At one point Rob n Eddy had to swim and lift back of boat. Most of the time the lads balanced on submerged branches or logs to haul the boat over the trunks. Its like off roading for boats!! They are tough boats having to come up against rocks as well as trunks.
We made camp in peru this time on another beach. After supper we went looking for camen´s eye shine with our torches and Antony caught some bait fish to try and catch tomorrows supper of giant catfish.